Monday, June 6, 2011

The Power of Learning

"Education is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other human rights. It promotes individual freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits. Yet millions of children and adults remain deprived of educational opportunities, many as a result of poverty."   -UNESCO

According to UNICEF, a total of 8.8 million children (14 percent of all children under 12) were unable to attend elementary school in the Eastern and Southern Africa region in 2008.  Seventy-eight percent (nearly 7 million) of these out-of-school children live in 5 countries: Ethiopia, Angola, Kenya, Somalia, and Mozambique.  The quality of education in this area is very poor with only 57 percent of children attaining minimum reading scores at grade 6 and only 25 percent achieving minimum standards in mathematics.  Primary and secondary school enrolment in African countries is among the lowest in the world. The literacy rate in Eastern and Southern Africa stands at 81 percent for males aged 15 to 24 years, and 73 percent for females, which is lower than the world average of 91/85 (male/female) percent.  Lack of funding, adequate teachers, classrooms, and learning materials diminish the quality of education in Africa.

 Literacy among people 15-24
The statistics make it clear that children in Africa have less access to institutional education than children living in other areas, but why does that matter? 

The education gained in childhood has effects throughout the life cycle and provides many advantages:
  • Girls who have an education are more likely to have smaller, healthier families.  They are more protected against HIV and other illnesses and their children are more likely to live to age five.  
  • Communities with educated and skilled members are better able to combat poverty and disease.
  • Educated citizens are better informed of their rights and have a stronger voice in political discourse.   
The TARA Project is working closely with our Kenyan community to remove barriers to education at points throughout the life cycle from primary school for children to continuing education for adults...

AND YOU CAN HELP!  This weekend, the TARA Project is hosting an amazing fundraiser.  The event will feature Atlanta based artists and musicians and will benefit our midwife certification training, a continuing education program that will improve maternal and child health in our Kenya community.  Even if you can't attend the event, you can always purchase a ticket!  For more information on the event and for details on how to purchase your ticket online, check out our FB page:       

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